How to earn money online without paying anything

How to earn money online without paying anything.

In today's modern era, we all have Mobile, Leptop or Computer and Internet too we take help of internet for most of the work. Whether we want to go somewhere or buy something, we should emphasize on ways to earn money online.
I am telling you some ways to earn money online, the more you add, the more money you will earn.

how to earn money online without paying anything

8 ways to earn money online-

You will need some things to reduce online so that you can make money easily.
You will need a mobile or laptop to earn money online and also need an internet connection.
You have to take care of one important thing to earn money online. It is not like a job, it is a business, so in this work you
You will have to give time, you may have to take some time to be successful in this, you will have to be patient.

how to make money on Blogging-

Blogging,how to earn money online without paying anything

Blogging is still new to many people today. Many people are earning millions of rupees through this work. You can make a good career in blogging. And can earn quite good money. Blocking means. Of writing and posting some articles so that people can read and get information.
To do bloging, you have to create a website. And you have to take domin, hosting, but if you want to do it for free, then you have to go to and make a free website.
To blogging, you have to choose a good topic. And would have written a good post. For which people like, you have to search on SEO and Keywords. So that more traffic comes to your block.

You can earn money in many ways through your blog, affiliate marketing, google adsense, in addition you can sponsorship, paid advertising.

how to make money on youtube -

youtube,how to earn money online without paying anything

You do not have to make any investment to earn money on youtube. To earn money through youtube, you have to create youtube channel with the help of your google account.
While creating youtube channel you have to choose a category. And the name of the channel, people also have to be uploaded. You can write a description according to your category.

After creating the channel you will have to upload the video. Adsense is the easiest way to earn money from youtube. And you can earn a lot of money by promoting a company's product.

Affiliate marketing -

Affiliate marketing,how to earn money online without paying anything

Like I told you that you can take the help of affiliate marketing to earn money from youtube and blog. Many people are earning quite a lot of money through this work. Affiliate marketing is the best way. It does not take much time to earn money.
Affiliate marketing means. If someone wants to buy something similar from the link given by you. So the company gives you some money for the value of that item. As a salling, affiliate marketing is of many types of product or type like amazon affiliate, travel affiliate etc.

Most companies have their own affiliate programs. Which you can join and earn good money.

Instagram -

Instagram,how to earn money online without paying anything

In today's era, 80% of people run Instagram. Instagram We run to upload our photos. But you can earn very good money through this app. A lot of people use this app to sell their product. And make a lot of good money.
To earn money from Instagram you have to choose nice. And have to create a professional account. You will have to enter the email id and write your nice related description.
After creating an account you have to increase your followers. When you exceed followers10,000 then you have to contact your company related to Nice. And they will have to ask to promote their product. One to two times you will have to contact the company, later all the companies related to your product will contact you to promote themselves.

If you have more followers. So you can earn good money this way and use social media. Like twitter, blogging, youtube and more

Typing -

Typing,how to earn money online without paying anything

If you have Leptop or Computar. So you can earn good money from Typing.
Typing is also of many types. Such as typing, data entry, pdf editing etc.
You can consult websites like fiverr, freelancer, upwork to find Typing project.

Dropshipping -

Dropshipping,how to earn money online without paying anything

Dropshipping is a form of business in modern times. It is a sucessfull business.
For dropshipping you have to create an ecommerce website. And the best benefit is to sell. That you do not need to store any product at your shop.
Like if a person orders a bag. So you have to go to some Amazon website and have it delivered to the location. And the payment that will be different, you will find it on Amazon's site from your side.

Consultant -

Consultant,how to earn money online without paying anything

Consultant means that one can become a consultant. And you can earn money on the basis of your knowledge. Become a consultant and give advice to people and get money in return.
To become a consultant, you have to be a brand. And you have to resort to social midea. Like facebook, blogging, youtube

To become a Consultant you need to choose a Nice. In which you are the best, you can earn money by giving advice about SEO, blogging, relationship or business.

Freelancing -

Freelancing,how to earn money online without paying anything

Friends, you can earn a lot of Paise from freelancing too, in freelancing website people give you money to work online. Such as web desigening, animation desigening, logo making writing etc. You can earn a lot of money for all these things if you have skills
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