Hair fall

Hair fall stop-
Most people are troubled by the problem of hair loss. There are 100,000 hair fibers on our head. It is normal to break 50 fibers in a day. Because new hair grows in their place. However, if hair is only falling and new hair is not coming then it is worrying. This problem is seen mostly in men. Too much hair loss can cause baldness.
hair fall
hair fall

Every person, whether boy or girl, loves his hair very much. But nowadays due to increasing pollution and use of chemical filled products, your hair starts to weaken and break. With this, today's generation likes to eat junk food more. In such a situation, their body as well as hair do not get proper nutrition. This is the reason why hair loss problem has become common today.

Major causes of hair loss-

There can be a number of new reasons for hair loss, some of these reasons, we will tell you, due to which most people have hair loss.
  1. Dandruff in your hair, if you have more dandruff in your hair, this is also a reason for your hair loss
  2. Genetic: If someone in the parent or family is experiencing hair loss then the person is more at risk of hair loss or baldness.
  3. If you are very upset in your work or if you are under a lot of stress, then it can also start your hair fall.
  4. If you use different types of shampoos daily or use shampoos again and again, then it starts hair loss like you all know how many chemicals in today's shampoos are harmful to our hair. is
  5. Due to hormonal changes, hair fall from the middle part of the head of the men.
  6. If your scalp has an infection, then its scalp infection causes hair loss too much, so you should see a doctor
  7. Latrogenic: It can cause hair fall due to chemotherapy elements, anti-stress drugs etc.
  8. Lack of Vitamin B According to a research, it was found that deficiency of Vitamin B in the body also causes hair fall.
  9. Radiation therapy.

Find out hair disease-

  1. Hair loss can usually be detected after medical examination. However, it is very important to find out the exact cause before treating hair loss. Hair loss can be detected by the methods described below.
  2. Treatment of hair loss problem depends entirely on its cause. In some cases the problem of complete hair loss cannot be diagnosed. But adjuvant therapy can be used. The following remedies can be given on hair loss.
  3. Examining them in the blood to detect vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  4. Pull Test and Light Microscopy - By pulling hair lightly, it can be found how strong the hair is while microscopy shows the depth and structure of the hair follicles.
  5. Scalp biopsy - This shows the infection on hair or scalp.

Hair treatment-

Medications- Multivitamin tablets containing zinc, selenium, vitamins etc. are given. Minoxidil, finasteride, hormone replacement drugs, etc.
Laser therapy-Hair can be made thick with laser rays on the scalp.
Transplant Surgery- Hair is applied on the scalp from the place where there is thick hair to baldness.
Hair weaving- new hair is brought into it without surgery.

How to prevent hair loss-

Apply mustard oil or sesame oil to coconut hair-

You might not know. That hair fall starts by applying different types of oil in the market. So try that always using mustard oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil will be very helpful in making your hair strong and thick. With the help of these three, your hair will be very strong and the fall will stop.
Apply mustard oil or sesame oil to coconut hair,Hair fall stop
mustard oil,sesame oil, coconut oil

Fenugreek seeds-

It contains folic acid as well as protein, vitamin-A, C and K. They strengthen the hair and prevent its fall. Put some fenugreek seeds overnight and make paste in the morning and apply it on the hair. Dip a towel in warm water and squeeze it well and then wrap it on the head. Wash it after half an hour. Do this twice a week for a month.

Green tea-

Add green tea in 2-3 cups of water and boil for a while. When it gets cold, wash your hair thoroughly with this water. After that wash the hair with normal water too. After doing this for a few days, you will feel the difference yourself. The use of green tea will nourish your hair, which will strengthen it and help reduce its fall. It will also give shine to hair.

Balayam Yoga-

If your hair is breaking too much. So every day, hair is falling out due to beating hands. So Balayam will prove to be very beneficial for you. Balayam Yoga is very easy to do. Just do not rub the nails of your two hands. On an empty stomach 5 to 10 minutes every morning, it has proved to be very helpful in hair loss and growing new hair. This allows blood circulation to your hair easily. Due to which new hair starts coming, but remember that doing this balayam for 1 or 2 days is not beneficial. Do this continuously for 5,6 months, after which the result will be in front of you.

Apply curd and lemon to hair-

Mix curd and lemon in a bowl. After this, apply it on the hair scalp first. This mixer will work like a hair conditioner. Which will remove all the dandruff from your hair. And as you all know. Dandruff in the hair causes excessive breakage of hair. And your hair will become stronger. So after massaging the head with yogurt and lemon mixture leave it for about 30 minutes. And then wash it with natural shampoo.
Apply curd and lemon to hair,Hair fall stop
curd and lemon

Use Amla and Aloe Vera -

Amla and aloe vera are very helpful and beneficial for strengthening hair and preventing hair fall. Amla is very helpful for doing natural hair. Amla is also very important to balance the amount of vitamin C in the hair. Which is better required for hair. Apart from this, aloe vera is very beneficial for hair, it is not only to prevent hair fall, but also makes your hair much stronger.

Apply onion juice to the head-

You all know how many benefits of applying hair juice on the head. This keeps your hair strong. And the hair breaks down. Onion is most commonly found on the cell. Which is very helpful in making sulfur blood circulation. Apart from this, there is an infection in your head. Or bacteria. He dies due to onion juice. This has also been proved in research. There are many benefits of applying onion juice to the hair, apply the juice of onion to the hair twice a week and leave it for one hour. Later Balco said, do this process for 1 month and the result will be in front of you.
onion juice,
onion juice

Curry leaves-

Curry leaves contain antioxidants as well as protein and bita-carotene. All these strengthen the hair and reduce its fall. For this, take some curry leaves and mix in any hair oil and heat it for a while. Massage your hair and scalp after it cools down. Do this every day for two weeks.
You might not know. That hair fall starts by applying different types of oil in the market. So try that always using mustard oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil will be very helpful in making your hair strong and thick. With the help of these three, your hair will be very strong and the fall will stop.

Leaves of the Neem tree-

This will not only protect your hair from any kind of infection, but will also end hair loss. Applying neem on the head increases blood circulation, which makes hair stronger. And the loss ends. For this take some neem leaves and boil it in water. Now wash your hair and massage the scalp thoroughly for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this every other day for a few months.
Leaves of the Neem tree,Hair fall stop
Leaves of the Neem tree

Massage the scalp with oil -

You would not know that the main reason behind our hair loss is not to reach blood circulation in the hair. If the blood circulation does not reach your hair properly then hair starts falling. If you massage your body with oil every 2 days or twice or thrice a week, then your blood circulation will be corrected. Which will stop your hair fall. But you have to use such oil. In which there is no chemical quantity.

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